We digitize your old photos, albums, 35mm slides, negs, 8mm films, VHS, camcorder and audio tapes, letters, cards, documents and more.
Give the Gift of Legacy today.

​We support our Veterans! See below.
Descriptive Scanning is a Canadian owned and operated business based in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
​*None of your photos or films are shipped to other provinces or countries for digitizing or any other part of digitizing process.

Guaranteed, No-Surprise Quotes!
What you pay, is what you were quoted. No surprise charges.
Photo Scanning
Photo and document scanning .29¢ for loose items up to 8.5"x11" scanned at our standard 600 dpi. Saved as JPGS.
(Handling, labelling or other organizational and set up
charges may apply)
Minimum service charge excluding print outs, memory sticks, or other hard costs - $49.00.
Photo Albums/Scrap Books
$2.00 per page (single image).
We are happy to remove/return photos from albums but it takes time. Extra handling charges would apply. All unwanted, empty photo albums can be donated to a local thrift store.
35 mm Slide Scanning
.89¢ - $1.49 depending on size and type.
Saved as JPEGs or TIFs.
1200-3000 dpi
If you do not want your old slide carousels, we are happy to donate them on your behalf.
(Extra set up, slide removal/return, organizational and cleaning/repair charges may apply)
Negative Scanning
$.89 - $1.49 depending on size and type.
Saved as JPEGs or TIFs.
2400-3000 dpi.
VHS,8mm,Hi8 Tape Transfers/Conversions
$19/tape up to 2 hours. $5 for each additional hour.
DVD or MP4
8mm/Super8 Film -$19/film. Each frame of film is individually scanned and s22aved as MP4.
Audio Tapes/Reel to Reel
Reel to Reel Audio - starting at $19.00/hr
Cassette Tapes - starting at $19.00/hr